Shadow Land | Teen Ink

Shadow Land

July 29, 2009
By HP_freak_fan BRONZE, Waterloo, Iowa
HP_freak_fan BRONZE, Waterloo, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dark Island

You have now entered Shadow Land
The realm
Where Dreams Come True.
You must have been,
To have found this distant place.

This is a world
Created by the Unconscious Mind,
Of which I too have been born.
This is the land,
Where fantasy
Becomes reality
And Time,
Man’s one true foe,
Is left behind.

You have conquered mortality.
But you are not the first to have made it here;
Others too have made this venture.

You know of them,
Those who never made it back.
But who would leave this place?
Who could leave this place?

You see, no one can leave this place-
You are in a dream for goodness sake.
And as you’re awake,
You cannot wake up.
Nor will this wonderland let you sleep.

Do not worry about those you miss,
For they are far from this place.
After all,
There is always plenty of company;
The gallant steeds,
The Night Mares,
Are always
The corner.

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