The Anchor of You | Teen Ink

The Anchor of You

January 29, 2025
By Anonymous

In this world, painted in gray

A restless mind, broken and lead astray,

People all around me, yet I stood alone

Until I found you, my heart, my home


Your touch was warm and kind

Like a gentle flame in a winter night,

Your voice a song, soft and sweet,

Your love a heaven I long to find


You are the ground beneath my feet

Keeping me safe and steady

You are my boat in restless waters

You are my home with you I am known


You are my breath amongst these heavy lungs,

The rhythm that carries my heart along.

No matter the distance, or where I am,

You are my everything, you are my home

In this world painted in gray,

Where I believed in no color,

You painted a rainbow across the sky

You are the color that stained my canvas

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem

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This article has 1 comment.

Ashi_P said...
on Mar. 17 at 1:16 pm
Ashi_P, Malvern, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is so good! I love the metaphors.