Light to Dark and Dark to Light | Teen Ink

Light to Dark and Dark to Light

July 8, 2009
By marmarbinks GOLD, Commack, New York
marmarbinks GOLD, Commack, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What else could ruin a life so sweet?
Ignorance and knowledge cannot be defined by light or dark
For with ignorance comes a complete disregard for surroundings,
Similar to darkness,
Yet no issues arise and you are unaware of the true hate in the outside world,
Bringing light to ignorance.
With knowledge, you may progress, emote, and comprehend,
Shedding light,
Yet due to knowledge, there is destruction, war, and technologies
That we have created which are still far beyond our comprehension
In that we cannot foresee or control their effects
For better, or for worse,
Creating the darkness of knowledge.
So who are we to say that ignorance is bliss?
For with bliss comes lack of understanding
Who are we to say that knowledge is power?
For with knowledge comes underestimation

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