Cards and Letters for Later | Teen Ink

Cards and Letters for Later

May 1, 2024
By SkylarFayed BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
SkylarFayed BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
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Favorite Quote:
¨If you can´t stop thinking about it, don´t stop working for it.¨

Chapter 1: Some Old Tragedies Following

In my early years, I got along with most.

Talking and laughing, soon getting hooked,

Trusting their words until made a ghost,

Now seen straight through and overlooked.

Never planted in their dirt, only thrown in it.

Floated around like a cloud group to group,

Just for backs to be turned,

Until it was a repeating loop.

Chapter 2: It was Never Thought Much of       

History starts cycling.

Years keep carrying.

More and more developed ships,

Departing on their way to become temporary friendships.

Boats under construction,

But now under confusion,

From sabotaged walls with water seeping in weak wood,

Pressure on the patches, keeping out as much as it could.

Windows shattered. 

People scattered,

Trying to find emergency boats, 

Because of their own faults.

Chapter 3: Meeting Them

Stuck in the center of a growing chaos,

Until hands of better design pull me from a brainwash,

Not even I was strong enough to keep blocked.

Frightened how gentle you are compared to everyone else,

But it felt more genuine than they ever showed they felt.

They broke all trust, so if it's real I can't even tell.

Forgive me, please,  it's not my fault what choices they made.

If I am a broken love, they were the ones to backs with a blade.

Yet with you I don’t need to apologize for living, because you never give me the blame.

At first, thoughts made you a lie, 

Now you made yourself an image in my life,

I think will soon be a reality to both our eyes.

Chapter 4: Once in a Lifetime

People talk about true love in couples, partners and lovers,

But they never talk about the true love in best friends.

I used to think true love was only found in books by readers,

Turns out true love can just be a trust that has no end.

I thought I knew what “friend” meant,

When really that was muscle memory from being a third wheel.

So now when I see other “friends” they’re really ignorant peers I kept,

But when you're around it fills the silent parts to help me heal.

Chapter 5: Never Experienced This Kind of Love

Am I losing my mind or do I actually have a best friend?

Am I losing my mind or do I actually want to give my time to you to spend?

Am I losing my mind or am I now just seeing all their wrongs?

Am I losing my mind or do I actually want them to know their faults?

Am I losing my mind or is true love actually real?

Am I losing my mind or is this what I’m supposed to feel?

Am I losing my mind or are my emotions forcing out held in cry’s?

Am I losing my mind or is it really real this time?

I guess it’s true since you're healing my state of mind.

I guess it’s true since with you I cherish my time.

I guess it's true since I’m getting tired of their playing.

I guess it’s true since while they didn’t, you show me all your caring.

I guess it’s true since I can tell from your genuineness.

I guess it’s true since I love your contagious happiness.

I guess it’s true since I never let it out and now you're cleaning the stains.

I guess it’s true since you’ve stayed even knowing what caused the pain.

Chapter 6: Everlasting Warmth

I’ve always liked the cold,

It so easily stayed,

But maybe thats from the fact I wasn’t getting betrayed.

I never realized though,

Probably from my nerves,

I wasn’t comfortable, just forced to not feel disturbed.


Not in my comfort zone,

Warmed from the inside out,

You are what has somehow dethawed the ice around my heart.

If only I had known,

You'd be here after all,

And would end up making yourself to be my wonderwall.

Chapter 7: Cards and Letters for Later

Finding times to make rhymes after spilling my thoughts on paper,

For you, my true friend I’ll keep forever,

In my heart, till death do us part, we’ll never leave each other,

Our bond is strong, so nothing can rupture.

Now that you’re at my heart's center,

It is not like it was, when it was fractured,

From you it´s now mended and not so tender,

So I'm praying it will stay like this and history won't repeat the same chapter.

The author's comments:

This piece of writing I have had for quite a while now, and is definitely my favorite thing I have ever written, probably also because I love writing poetry, but mainly from how personal it is.

This poem is about my best friend that I recently got really close with within the past year that I met in middle school. In my eyes she is quite literally the sweetest thing to walk the Earth and I am eternally grateful for her, and wanted to write her a letter about my past friendships that were not really real friendships and how much she has changed my point of view on how friends should actually be. One night I got really emotional and started writing all my thoughts and experiences out in my notes app on my phone, and that is what helped me write this, but everything in the note is really personal, so I turned it into this poem about her, but also my experiences up until I met her in a covered up way.

There is a lot of hidden meanings around every corner of this piece, so I don´t think readers will understand each meaning since I hid sometihng in pretty much every line since it´s telling a short story of my life up until now, but I think it tells more than enough to know the meaning of the poem overall.

Also, I thought it was a cool idea to write a poem in chapters, so I did just that and made each chapter a point in my life.

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