A Memory Box | Teen Ink

A Memory Box

May 1, 2024
By carolinegwebber PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
carolinegwebber PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
27 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She took the car but didn’t come home.

Where did she go?

When will she be back?

I can’t believe she's really gone.

It doesn't feel real.

Yesterday we were laughing together and now I will never see her again.

I can’t just get rid of her stuff.

Where did she keep everything?

I want to put all of her stuff in here.

You can’t just forget her whole life.

People need to remember her.

People should be able to see her stuff.

Glasses she drank from are the closest thing I get to holding her hand.

Pictures she took are the only way I can see things the way she did.

A headband that used to hold onto her hair the way I wish I could now.

A memory box.

This shouldn’t be all I have left of her.

The author's comments:

Inspired by Blue Soap Bubble by Joseph Cornell (USA) 1950

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