Fearless | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By 27rm02 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
27rm02 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The waves of the ocean crashing into you

Like all of your problems

Wishing you could be young again

If you were

You would've dove right in

But you are older now

You watch as your little brothers dive right in


Not caring what others think

Not worrying about how their game went

Not stressing about grades

Not worrying about their future

Only worrying about who gets what

Who gets the last piece of pizza or

The last scoop of ice cream 

Who gets to choose what to watch

Who gets the front seat

Living in the present

The strength of the waves

Ripping you every way

Taking your strength

You have to escape it

Do it for all the opportunities you can have

Don't care what others think

Don't think about that one game

Or one grade

Be excited for the future 

Live your life as you want to 

Be fearless

Because you only live once

You learn that as you grow older

You learn how short life is

Take in everything

Don't forget to

Go to the beach

Feel the sand between your toes and the waves crashing into you

Dive right in

And don’t worry about what’s to come

Take in the memory

You won't be here forever 

Live in the moment

Be fearless

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