Slowly Saying Goodbye.. Goodbye. | Teen Ink

Slowly Saying Goodbye.. Goodbye.

December 13, 2023
By peytoncole BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
peytoncole BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Part One: Slowly Saying Goodbye

They tell me "You're so strong",

I won't let them know, but boy are they wrong

I smile so you don't worry

I smile so you aren't aware of the short time you have left

Because if you know, 

Chances are, you would let go

I don't break a smile until the second I am home

Because when I return to my bedroom, the tears begin to overflow

I try not to but I cannot help but think "whoa."

How did the trained medics not know?

Because of the lack of attention

You won't experience any restrengthen

I sit with you for hours on end

I give you all that my young yet mature brain can comprehend

I promise you that everything will be okay

I thank you for all the memories

I will never know how to say goodbye

So until then, I will just say hi

Staying strong 

Again, so you don't think anything more is wrong.

Part Two : Goodbye. 

The time has come

Your body is officially done

You have held on for oh so long

I am thankful that you knew you were so strong

Still, I sit with you 

This time, it is different

This time, you are unresponsive

All I must do, is hold your hand and measure the decrease in your breath 

The lady in scrubs tells us,

"Talk. Hearing is the last thing to go."

"Thank you for all the memories"

"I am so proud of you"

"I love you." 

A few undetermined hours pass 

It leaves us sitting right where we are

I break down in a separate room,

You hear our voices

You are reminded of old rejoices 

I notice your breath

Is it even there? Or is it just slow?

I check your pulse

"Guys, he is gone."

The author's comments:

This poem is about my grandfather who has recently passed away. The first part of this entry, "Slowly saying goodbye" had been partially written whenever I knew that my grandpa didn't have much time left. My grandfather was my best friend, and saying goodbye to him was something I will never comprehend, but had to do. The one thing I can tell you, is leave no regrets. Say I love you, hold their hands, thank them, give them reassurance, as life is way too short not to. 

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