Collapse at the top of a podium | Teen Ink

Collapse at the top of a podium

October 29, 2023
By kenanblair2 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
kenanblair2 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Public speaking was never the problem. Confidence had always been easy. So when I heard about my business club’s election, I decided, “Why not?

After deciding which position I would run for, and 10 minutes of prep, I had a reservoir of information in my head, albeit a volatile one. Candidate after candidate stepped up. My hardly prepared speech began to trickle. It was a trickle at first, but became a leak beneath the piercing gaze of the audience as I stepped up to the podium. 

“Hi, my name is…”  

At the top of a collapsing dam stood a figure, watching a river of thoughts flowing into the vast expanse of nothingness-- promising themself to never crumble again.

The author's comments:

This piece is about getting out of your comfort zone. It's about realizing that the moments that hurt the most are the ones that teach the most too. I hope when people read this, they can understand the mindset of using your past experiences- no matter what they are-to grow, instead of backing down and giving up. For many people, the unknown is fearful, but in this poem or story, they can realize why they might want to venture into the unknown and recognize the positive benefits and new perspectives it provides.

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