If Flowers Could Cry | Teen Ink

If Flowers Could Cry

October 1, 2023
By Poetic_Poetry BRONZE, Carroll, Iowa
Poetic_Poetry BRONZE, Carroll, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If flowers could cry


In lushful green gardens

Where each flower has a name 

Will always be a dandelion 

Wishing for a place


Invasive, annoying, a huge waste of time

Is what the flowers brush off to the dandelion 

Oh what a negative state of mind


Though some flowers mean it

Others do not

But they dont tell the dandelion 

No, they do not


And when rain starts to pour 

and the sky is all grey 

The flowers have hope

That the sun will come by soon with its rays


But the dandelion does not

It does not wish that at all

Because rain and sun is what makes flowers flourish after all


But like the dandelion expected 

The sun came out anyway 

And the flowers all shook, they danced

And they swayed


The dandelion stood still

Not happy at all

With not a single movement, groove, shuffle, or secret dance move to pull off


The dandelion sat there day after day

And watched as the flowers got picked and put into bouquets 


But when the dandelion was seen 

People winced and sighed

Saying something close to the words 

I wish these things never came by


Now all alone in this garden

The dandelion stayed

With no hope and not a care 

Of how anything worked in any way 


Until one day

A surprise had sprung

And a little child stared at the dandelion 

With curiosity and awe


The dandelion couldnt beleive it 

No it couldnt believe its eyes

Was it possibly good enough?

Atleast in one persons eyes?


The dandelion got picked and swayed in delight

But once it looked down

It had quite a fright 


A rose in the distance 

All alone and confused

Wondered if anyone knew what it was like in their shoes


But the rose was too far for anyone to notice

And the dandelion knew exactly what that meant

Alone the rose would wilt and die


And guilty the dandelion felt

To realize that even roses cry

The author's comments:

This peice speaks about how everyone has their own problems and has their own goal of just trying to live day after day chasing after a solution to that problem till it becomes a routine and life you are unhappy with. Sometimes when that routine breaks and you become happy, you realize everyone else has problems that might even be bigger than yours around you, which can cause you to feel guilty.

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