July 1, 2023
By LittleOrca SILVER, Rancho Cucamonga, California
LittleOrca SILVER, Rancho Cucamonga, California
6 articles 13 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can and I will. Watch me." - Carrie Green

Summer is a wonderful time of year.

The season of sunshine, pool parties, ice cream,

Remembering the summers before, and hoping for many more. 

Each day is a beautiful one, until the curtain falls. 

Sunsets welcome the cool breeze of night, and the world temporarily fades away. 

Stemming from the stress built up, from months of overload, 

Fear sets in as I struggle through nightmares and grind my teeth to dust. 

Rewinding is my priority this month, relearning how to have some fun.
Emptying myself of the toxic mental strain and relaxing underneath the sun. 

Enjoying both happy days and hopefully, peaceful nights.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about the experience I had with anxiety, juggling all the priorities of a high schooler. There are so many things that need to be done everyday during the school year, that for me, the stress manifested itself in the form of nightmares and bad habits like grinding my teeth in my sleep or unconsciously tearing my fingernails. So, this summer, I am really focused on charging up my energy and spending time with family. 

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