Humanity | Teen Ink


June 8, 2023
By JanetBarba BRONZE, Houston, Texas
JanetBarba BRONZE, Houston, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be like a flower, survive the rain but use it to grow."

H–umble in an essence of simplicity

U–nified together in a world that seems to be fueled with division

M–indful about our actions and its effect on the world

A–ppreciative for what we have and all we can be

N–oble for our courageous wit and never ending bravery to fight through storms

I–ntelligent in our ways for finding solutions to problems that never seem to end

T–alented in the arts and using our craft to connect with people all around the world

Y–oung at heart and dreamers by nature but we never lose sight of how far we can go

The author's comments:

My acrostic poem “Humanity” is inspired by all the courageous, intelligent, talented, and kind people in the world. Even though the world may seem like a horrible place at times, it’s important that we never forget about those who are striving to create positive change in the world. I hope that moving forward, we can all embody the essence of what humanity truly is.

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