Tranquility | Teen Ink


May 11, 2023
By ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We lost track of the time,

In the midnight’s tranquility.

It’s almost distracting.

As we look across the harbor,

I’m thinking about her.

The moon glares at us,

But we ignore his judging eye.

A starry night persists,

Hidden by a sheet of clouds.

Nothing is said, but nothing has to be.

The pier juts out of the water,

We count the boats floating by.

The white house does not notice us,

As we lay on the shore of its harbor

And let the time fly.

The blissful moment,

Never to be traded.

This serene place,

Perfect for us

Losing ourselves in the midnight's tranquility.

The author's comments:

Inspired by Moon Over the Harbor by Edward Mitchell Bannister

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