I have a place | Teen Ink

I have a place

May 2, 2023
By 4nowak SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4nowak SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want
A home where my walls are shades of pistachio green, strawberry pink, and butterscotch yellow.
A place where I can read and write quietly,
A place where I do not have to hide.
A place where I never have to feel the imminent loneliness and the feeling of being invisible,
And where I never have to worry about our support systems not being as sturdy.
A place where I don't have to feel cloistered and closeted.
A place that can care for her
The place I fell in love with a woman.

They would ask us.
“Are you sisters?”
“Distant relatives?”
“So then you must be cousins?”
“Do you live close to each other?”
“For how long have you been friends?”
Every time they would ask and we said No.
They would look at us like they couldn't think that we could be more than just friends
They never wanted to imagine,
That I could fall in love with a woman.

I have a home where I do not have to hide,
I have a home where I can read and write quietly.
I have a home where my support systems are sturdy.
I have a home where I'm not cloistered and closeted.
I have a home where I fell in love with a woman,
I have a home where I can care for her.
The place where my walls are shades of pistachio green, strawberry pink, and butterscotch yellow.

And I know some don’t have
A home where you have walls are shades of pistachio green, strawberry pink, and butterscotch yellow.
A place where you can read and write quietly,
A place where you do not have to hide.
A place where you never have to feel the imminent loneliness and the feeling of being invisible,
And where you never have to worry about our support systems not being as sturdy.
A place where you don't have to feel cloistered and closeted.
A place that you can care for her
A home where you can be in love with a woman.

The author's comments:

With lines from "Long Shadows in the Sunset" by Vijayta Lalwani, a Pulitzer Center reporting project

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