Land For the Future | Teen Ink

Land For the Future

May 1, 2023
By 4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The land scorched. 

Invaded and seized.

Because of its prosperous past, the rivals desire more.

The farmland isn’t just infested with pesticides.

Bullets parade over the crops.

These aren’t the same drums I remember



Nothing is unharmed anymore. 

These ditches are a double edge sword.

Once housed for the water that conducts between the plants

Formed into the trenches where the soldiers clash.

A new life for all.

Farmers turned soldiers.

No more protecting the field, but now their lives.



I see it initiate before me.

What was one time the promised land is now the trenches.

Dreadful conditions bear over the soldiers' lives. 

A weather event as a hurricane sweeps past every soldier. 

Just as the crops are out of season, we are out of season. 

Defeated and washed up.

The author's comments:

These ditches are a double edge sword: Lines like this one were pulled directly from a Pulitzer article

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