The Roots | Teen Ink

The Roots

March 6, 2023
By Lillian_Morgan BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
Lillian_Morgan BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are needed,

We are hidden.

Concealed down below

The support is given.

You know what you require,

You pretend it is not me.

Our exhilaration extinguished 

As we are pushed to our knees.

I want to protest,

I want to yell,

We are the reason you succeed!

But I was never designed to rebel.

We have caused the glory.

We have no power.

Forever forgotten.

The roots of the flower

The author's comments:

My piece represents the power struggle between minimum wage workers and their bosses. The workers are necessary for the company to succeed, but they are still treated poorly. Meanwhile, the companies reap all the benefits.

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