Not Alone | Teen Ink

Not Alone

March 5, 2023
By itsoviwriteup_7 BRONZE, Ghy, Other
itsoviwriteup_7 BRONZE, Ghy, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the path of my desire,

Encountering my fate!

“Wouldn’t you retire?”

The world shall perish and,

So shall your desires.

At the end of your plan,

It is your fate,

Walking alone, living alone, gaining for none.

Your desires are worthless,

And shall give you no fun.

I looked up to his eyes,

With the blazing vazire

Speaking up my epiphany,

How shall my fate decide.

I got my old past and young future,

I walk this path for them,

I have got my regrets and aspirations,

Not to prove all, but for myself.

I’m not alone, not alone in this path,

It is my desires that shall help me have my fate surpassed.

The author's comments:

This particular poem is very much relatable for us teens as there are certain phases of our lives where we got to keep our zeal up and move ahead even when circumstantially everything seems to have collapsed, even when the winds are blowing against us, we need to move ahead.

I hope you like reading it!

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