Her Life was like a Grain of Sand | Teen Ink

Her Life was like a Grain of Sand

June 10, 2009
By Kirsten SILVER, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Kirsten SILVER, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
5 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Her life was like
a grain of sand
constantly being stepped on
by people unaware

working in her small way
to make life more comfortable
working with others
but going unoticed
working to hold together
without any appreciation
working in the cracks
with nothing in return

but when she started to drift
into the vast unknown ocean
they finally started notice
all that she had done

no one was there
to soften their fall
no one was there
come when they call

so now she drifts
upon a breaze
leaving the bare rocks
in her place

people finally know
all that she did


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