Oh Sweet Dandelion | Teen Ink

Oh Sweet Dandelion

October 4, 2022
By miharu_isoya BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
miharu_isoya BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If all you ever do is look down on people, you won't be able to recognize your own weaknesses." - Bakugo Katsuki

"Move on, he's not worth it."

Oh sweet Dandelion, with your brilliant white hue,

Hope you give to those who blew

In a flurry you go as the wind carries you

Across the world to depths not one knew.


On a simple patch of grass you sway in the breeze

While the world be cloaked in bloodshed and disease

Dandelion you may think of yourself of wealth and joy 

But in the worlds’ plea you are a mere toy.


A beacon of hope in the depths of dark

Even a child would know of your significant mark

Oh sweet Dandelion, what do you see

In a world filled with peril in the highest degree.


Toughest of weathers you may be resilient to

Just like the people in this world who knew

Smiles cover faces while sorrow hides inside

A mask of hope to keep the misery aside.


Oh sweet Dandelion, what do you see,

A sliver of hope in this world that yearns to be free.

The author's comments:

Even as teenagers, we have begun to realize that the world is not what we had dreamed of as kids; not all cupcakes and rainbows, but one built on the blood and sacrifice of others. Whether willingly or unwillingly, people have spilled blood on each and every horizon, staining the brown soil with downpours of red onslaught. Even throughout that, nature has managed to grow through, showing us that nothing matters. For me, whenever I look out at the world and see dread and sorrow, I find hope and condolence in the smallest things, such as the dandelion this poem is about. What about you?

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