June 2022 Poetry Contest: Swoon in June | Teen Ink

June 2022 Poetry Contest: Swoon in June

June 14, 2022
By Anonymous

I try not to swoon;

It’s far too soon. 

We just met in Cancun 

Down by the lagoon. 

It was so opportune 

That we met in June. 

His heart gold like a rune, 

Fun as a cartoon. 

He always sang in tune, 

And I fell in love like a loon.

The author's comments:

This piece came quickly came to me. I was looking to apply for a writing contest, and after stumbling across Teen Ink, I decided that I would apply to something here; It seems like a lovely community. After seeing the description for the Perfect Rhyme contest, I immediately came up with at least ten words that rhymed, and the poem's premise hit me like a truck. 

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