from me to you. | Teen Ink

from me to you.

May 9, 2022
By dalxluv GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
dalxluv GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
cause you only live forever in the lights you make
when we were young, we used to say
that you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
now we are the kids from yesterday
~ my chemical romance

i am from art, any which way it is to be perceived

from music and friday night lights

i am from the the suburbs, a simple condo with a hall of fame football player upstairs right by a fire station and elementary school with a messy courtyard and a swing-set

plain, quiet, perfect for practicing

i am from white wildflowers,

the type of ones you would see on the side of the road on a car ride

i'm from love and kindness

from {redacted} , who even though i’m 15 feels like a soulmate in the platonic sense 

and {redacted}, even though she's younger than me seems like an older sister

i'm from the silly and sarcastic

from i love you and i miss you

i'm from my own path , one that does not consist of a book or scroll  

i'm from not knowing my ancestry, nor caring where i’m from

from the day the bus broke down, the day we won grand champions, the day only consisting of pure joy

the way that even though not blood, {redacted} seems like my little brother

how we both protect and care for one another  

football fields and marching bands

flag poles, and rifles,

i am from every flaw

every mistake and vice.


i am from me.

The author's comments:

when i was told to write about where i was from i thought about it because home is relative happiness is relative so i put my own spin because i'm not from my birth parents or my parents now i am from me and what i made myself.

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