How To Write Poetry | Teen Ink

How To Write Poetry

December 17, 2021
By eship1 BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
eship1 BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many types of popular poems to choose from when writing poetry. One of which is a Cinquain poem; it has many ways it could be written; however, they all follow having five lines and then a certain number of words per line. For example:


Ludicrous, terrible

Forcing, taking, restricting

Abortions laws are unconstitutional


 Another is a Limerick poem, and this can be written in five lines and usually have the first, second, and last sentence rhyme, then the third and fourth sentence rhyme. For example:

Abortion laws are terrible.

Taking away women’s rights is unfathomable.

Women fought for years.

Only to be met with deaf ears.

Their lives irreparable.

 An Acrostic poem is another popular poem most used in school. You choose a topic to write about; it could be your name or something you would like to talk about. Then use each letter of the topic as the beginning of your sentence. For example, is a poem on the subject of abortion:

·       Abortion laws are unconstitutional.

·       Babies forced into foster homes are unloved.

·       Only thoughts are of losing a life.

·       Rarely do those who want a child to live to adopt them.

·       Thousands of women fought for rights before 1848.

·       Instead of honoring those women, the government starts taking away their hard work.

·       On and on, women must continue paving their path.

·       Never getting help, but instead getting their rights stripped away.

 Lastly is a Lune poem; unlike most, this is short and to the point; you write three lines in the first and third lines and five words in the second line. For example:

Abortion laws suck

It’s unconstitutional and shouldn’t exist

Women’s voices matter!


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