If my words would only work | Teen Ink

If my words would only work

June 1, 2009
By bandmusic101 PLATINUM, Meadville, Pennsylvania
bandmusic101 PLATINUM, Meadville, Pennsylvania
20 articles 4 photos 15 comments

He walks by me
I cringe at the sight
His hand in hers
He smiles wider then ever
I know i never stood a chance
By the way he laughs at her words
I know i never could be with him
the way he holds her close
But i still wish
I still dream
of waking in his arms one day
As i watch her walk by me
I feel like a stalker
Wishing for his hand to hold
The way i wish i could hold him
I feel gross
Like after playing in mud
when your little
I want to take back every thought
every want
I ever felt towards him
But when he says that little phrase
All the bad feelings fade away
I just wish hard
Feel this love stronger
But he'll never know
He'll never understand
That I'm in love with a friend
He walks away
And the feels stay the same


This article has 1 comment.

mandygale77 said...
on Apr. 20 2010 at 11:37 am
I totally know this feeling...