Where has my Childhood gone? | Teen Ink

Where has my Childhood gone?

May 4, 2021
By Ryleebear BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Ryleebear BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where has my childhood gone?

It seems I was just sitting there playing dolls, dancing, and singing songs.

Now it's just high school and proms.

Guys using you and girls hating you.

And you're all alone when their judging eyes hit you like a knife.

Life took away my childhood too fast.

And I don't plan on taking it back.

Even if I could, would it be the same.

Riding bikes and playing in the lake.

Now I have to deal with the hateful way they look at me.

Childhood where did you go?

I’ve been looking for you everywhere since you left.

I just can not seem to get you in my grasp.

I miss the way my mother held me.

Now she just expects better of me.

I can’t handle all this stress, it's really weighing me down.

And I miss the days when all I worried about was wearing a princess gown.

Childhood I miss you please come home.

I feel like I’ve been left here, all alone.

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