Goodbyes aren't Forever | Teen Ink

Goodbyes aren't Forever

January 21, 2021
By brookedenniston BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
brookedenniston BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today’s the day we will say goodbye, 
as I hug you tight and start to cry. 
It is time for you to achieve your goals, 
this is nothing I can control. 
The pain I feel has overcome,  
but I know I need to stay numb.  
As you fight with the American crew, 
I’ll be by your side through and through. 
Writing letters back and forth, 
showing you how much you’re worth.  
Although this goodbye wasn’t forever, 
I don’t want you to leave again, ever. 
You’re a hardworking and loving man, 
and I am glad you are my sideman. 
I love you more than words can explain,
and you will forever be my main.

The author's comments:

 This piece was written in honor of my boyfriend leaving for the Air Force. 

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