You can't Understand | Teen Ink

You can't Understand

May 20, 2009
By faerie-tales PLATINUM, Colchester, Connecticut
faerie-tales PLATINUM, Colchester, Connecticut
49 articles 0 photos 4 comments

You can't understand what I felt,
You don't even know what happened,
You say you do but we both know you don't,
You say you care but you can't,
I could tell you about it but you won't understand what it feels like to be uses and abused,

You can't understand the situation,
You don't even know what transpired,
You say you've been through it too,
but you say that to make me feel better,
You say that you love me and I'm sure you do,
but that has nothing to do with my problem,
I could share the event but you still wouldn't know,
what it feels to be lied to and cheated,

You can't understand the pain,
You don't even know the truth,
You say you've felt it,
but you never have,
You say you've been in this place before,
but for you it was just a visit,
I could share with you my thoughts, my pain,
but you couldn't console me,
for you don't know what it feels like to be hurt and broken,
and hopefully you never will.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 27 2009 at 6:34 am
Faeriedustygirl GOLD, Manhattan, Kansas
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Maybe people understand more than you know. Not a bad poem, but i suggest you add more to it. Keep Writing, H.