Heart Glue | Teen Ink

Heart Glue

May 18, 2009
By BoomBaby GOLD, Indianapolice, Indiana
BoomBaby GOLD, Indianapolice, Indiana
15 articles 2 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
oh, what a troubled web we weave when we first practice to deceive

Keep on going
I know you can make it
The mountains are tough
But I know you can take it

Don’t close your eyes
Just remember, hope flies
You can fly over mountain tops, hills and valleys alike
This life is full of switching roads, twists and turns
But with each cross road there is a life lesson learned

Skies darken, tears fall and most of all hearts are broken
But you can make it through
Just barrow some of my heart glue
I got it from a friend
His heart glue started a new trend

Keep on going
And if you stumble I will be there
Standing behind you
Prepared to catch you if I need to

Heart glue will do the trick
It worked for me sleek, and slick
Keep your dreams high
And let your hopes fly

I know you can make it
Prove them wrong
Let them know your song

Heart glue dose the trick
So pass it on
It won’t be long
Until once again a friend will use the heart glue on you

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