After Yard-Work | Teen Ink

After Yard-Work

June 18, 2019
By PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
16 articles 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

- Socrates

As the garage door opens and the sunlight pours in

I trudge over to the lawnmower, oh such an evil,

But on my way I knock over a bin

And while I’m at it crush many a weevil.

Once the machine is out, I bring it to our lawn.

I start up the motor

And just at the break of dawn

I start to cover grass like water to a boater.

At first the going is easy

And somehow I stay in a good mood.

But after a while I start to get a little bit wheezy

And I start to brood.

As I finally finish the front, weed-whacking and all,

I remember that I still have to do the back,

And before I fall

I decide to cut like a maniac.

Swerving up and down our yard I go

Vowing not to be a quitter,

When all of a sudden I go, “Whoa!”

As I accidentally run over a little critter.

Finally, after hours of work I’m done,

So I put the dreaded machine back,

And feeling like I’m number one,

I go and grab a snack.

After a quick shower,

I change and go to bed.

But little do I know I’ll be awake to go do our neighbor’s in an hour.


The author's comments:

“After Yard-Work” shows that when you try to rush an event, others end up getting hurt.

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