Our Very First Fictory | Teen Ink

Our Very First Fictory

May 5, 2009
By writer2b PLATINUM, Montville, New Jersey
writer2b PLATINUM, Montville, New Jersey
26 articles 0 photos 8 comments

The time on the clock is ticking down, second by second. Time is crunching. She dribbles the ball down the court like a puma, fast and furious ready to catch its prey, by scoring the winning point. There ten seconds left on the clock with a tied score. She passes the ball to me. I think to myself why....why me! The sweat pouring off of me, my mind is racing with thoughts as my heart beats with a nerve racking thud. I feel every strand of hair on my body stand up. The ball hits the backboard then the rim. The ball bounces around and then falls through the hoop at the sound of the buzzer. The crowd stands up cheering as loud as they can. I feel the girls pick me up and carry me to the locker room where we celebrate our first victory.

The author's comments:
My team has never won a basketball game in their lives. It is sad because we work so hard just to get smacked in the face. I hope that this year we will get our first victory. Just like what coach C says to us " Its not where we've been its where were going!"

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