The Younger Version of Me | Teen Ink

The Younger Version of Me

May 17, 2019
By Anonymous

The younger version of me always knew what to do

She was the first in Kindergarten to tie her shoe

She always seemed to have it together

Had plenty of friends to play with her

She knew things then that I somehow forgot

Little Dayna had a thing for the future

Life couldn’t go any smoother

She had her whole life planned out

All I had to do was be devout

Little Dayna first wanted to be a mommy

She carried around a little dolly

She followed her mom around and told her “I want to be just like you”

Her mom thought she was cute

Then other role models came into play

And she wanted to be a barista one day

Good thing that dream didn’t last

Referring back to her old ways

Little Dayna wanted to be a teacher one day

Just like mom she thought

This stuck for a while

What would it be like if I taught?

Career was only one of the things little Dayna dreamed of

Oh, she could not wait to be in love

That was all she could think about since before pre K

Little Dayna definitely wanted a husband someday

Little Dayna wanted to grow up

Life was so tough

She couldn't do anything a big person did

She hated being a little kid

Little Dayna dreamed of driving, parties, boyfriends galore

She dreamed of high school, prom, staying up later, and much more

Well big Dayna is here now

And I can tell Little Dayna what

Life is nothing like we imagined it years before

We had it all planned out, didn't we?

We would be a mom, a barista, a teacher and much more

We would be popular, cool, and have the time of our lives in high school

It's not like that you see?

School is hard, it's not all about popularity

Why did you wish your childhood away little Dayna?

Why would you do this to me?

I thought we were on the same page. On the same team.

You wished away my happiness

How could you do that to me?

You know how happy we used to be

College is coming soon

I’ll be a senior in June

I’m not ready yet, I need more time

Wishing your innocence away should be considered a crime

I wish I could go back and tell you to slow down

Enjoy it while it lasts

Because turning 16 came way to fast

“Where are you going?”

“What do you want to be?”

Is all I hear nowadays

If I am going to suffer through this

I’m dragging you down with me!

You were all put together Little Dayna

You seemed to have all the answers.

Well what now?

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