Just Like Us | Teen Ink

Just Like Us

May 10, 2019
By miyahtolbert69 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
miyahtolbert69 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They carry the weight of then world

But they hide it so well

Their so perfect

They are who we aspire to be


Until we learn

They’re not so perfect

Their problems whispering to them constantly

Reminding them


That they too, carry the weight

Of the world, reminding them

That they too

Are just like us

The author's comments:

Miyah Tolbert has never publicly published a piece, but has many in her personal collection. With a passion to write, this poem wasen't hard to create. This piece was inspried by our current society. Most of the time people that are seen as "better off" as the next guy, are seen to no to have any problems themselves. Creating self-esteem issues for the person viewing the person that's "better off".

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