Eyes | Teen Ink


May 6, 2019
By tmace22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
tmace22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A family of five filled with different eyes. My brother has eyes blue like the ocean with the sun beating down. Beautiful and bright with a blue shirt they pop. But mine? They are a faded blue with gold flakes throughout and around the center. My eyes are always behind a protective glass that makes everything bigger.

My mom has eyes as blue as the sky but faded for a fretful look. Her eyes are always behind half inch thick glass or she couldn’t see. Her eyes are weak without glasses. But oldest brother, his eyes are like the blue sky on a cloudy day. Weathered and filled with wisdom. My father’s eyes are genuine blue with a green tint. They are the blue-green on the color wheel. They are the color of the deep ocean seaweed. Burnt gold flakes like splatter paint behind glass daily. And in our family of five, we all squint with a smile in the sun.

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