Three AM | Teen Ink

Three AM

April 29, 2009
By mirandab93 BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
mirandab93 BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You never know, until you try.

Three AM, Daddy comes in the door
Takes his coat off and throws it on the floor
The next morning, me and my sisters wake up
Into the kitchen for my sippy cup
Mommy and Daddy asleep in their bed
Time for the little one to get fed
Next on the agenda is a diaper change
My sister makes breakfast on the range
Mommy puts Vodka in my sippy cup
So she doesn't have to deal with me until I get back up
My sisters go to school to learn
I find Mommy, I touch her, not even a squirm
I hear talking at the door so I hide
Then I realize my sisters caught a ride
They find me all curled up in a ball
They pick me up and I fall
Too apple juice with Vodka made me sick
My sisters put me to sleep, but I scream and kick
Three AM, Daddy comes in the door
Takes his coat off and throws it on the floor

The author's comments:
My life is different than before, I have a new home, a new mom, and still look to my sisters for more. Life can change, the past can still haunt, but the future is there, just waiting to be arranged. Look forward for love, happiness, and stability. Look back to learn.

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