Remember | Teen Ink


April 25, 2009
By AustinPage BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
AustinPage BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 1 photo 2 comments

I want to remember my childhood, getting splinters on the deck as we tossed up shot after shot with the rubber ball

I want to remember lying supine, clinching like a bullet in my teeth as my dad meticulously examined before touching the cold metal tweezers against the sole of my foot

I want to remember getting off the couch and running back outside, arguing over scores with my older brothers, pushing and shoving, arguing and fighting, forgetting about it all in a days time, so there is nothing

I don't want to remember

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 8 2009 at 3:52 am
xXxFallingTearsxXx GOLD, Cottonwood, Idaho
12 articles 0 photos 147 comments
This is a great poem! It kind of remindes me of myself because i grew up like this: like a guy with only three older brothers.