Skittles | Teen Ink


April 25, 2009
By Brigid Choi SILVER, Decatur, Georgia
Brigid Choi SILVER, Decatur, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before I met you, I had no taste for them.
They were
and had an artificial flavoring.
I despised them and didn’t know why everyone desired them so.
But when I saw you
happily popping them into your mouth,
I tried to look at them a different way.
They were
round like the sun that lit up the world,
rainbow like a painting of the sky,
and the artificial flavoring was as sweet as a first kiss.
I started to enjoy them more.
I started to eat them more.
I started to buy them more and bring them in just for you.
It always brought my heart a nice flip when I saw you open your mouth
to pop in one of those candies
to taste the rainbow.
A Skittle.

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