A Daily Routine | Teen Ink

A Daily Routine

April 15, 2019
By sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With the burden of the world

on your shoulders

An everlasting crease of worry

          On the countenance of beauty


Ring Ring! The start of another day

             Time to cease and slay

Wake up the kids. Prepare lunch. Rush to work.

         And repeat without irk

Did you have lunch?

     An eternal worry of yours

Now I know why I have chores

      Or maybe just a hunch


Tears flow from my eyes

     But your heart aches

Thank you for everything it takes.

Black hair like the bottomless sea

          Brown eyes like iced coffee

Don't take her lightly for an instance

   She’s a mother not innocence    

The author's comments:

My relationship with my mom is very special--we are more friends than mother-daugther. This poem highlights my appreciation and acknowledgment of the hard work that she puts in for me and our family. If there's any job that is payed nothing and given no appreciation yet is the important job in the world is the work of a mother. 

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