If I Were A Boy | Teen Ink

If I Were A Boy

April 5, 2019
By Anonymous

If I were a boy…

I would join a band.

Play the drums to fit in.

Stand out on the violin.

Improvise to the melody.

Altogether, lovely harmony.

And have loud, night rehearsals till one in the morning.

If I were a boy…

I would play games.

Football, basketball, all sorts of sports

In black sweaty shorts.

An animal in gym,

Never hitting the rim,

And take the victory trophy with cheering fans in the stands.

If I were a boy…

I would be a geek.

A video game nerd

Who knows games never heard

Rainbow 6 Siege and Super Mario,

God of War, Subnautica, then Halo,

And watch Game Theory as I find all the secrets in Resident Evil.

If I were a boy…

I would dress like one.

Who needs dresses and skirts?

Wear baggy sweatshirts,

And some athletic shoes

With the laces too loose,

And wear college jerseys day in and day out.

So if I were a boy…

I think I could fit right in.

I play in my band,

Violin and bow in hand.

Video games, not a bore,

Playing sports, not a chore,

And I live freely in my sweatpants, the way I want to be.

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