The Sad Sisters' Tale | Teen Ink

The Sad Sisters' Tale

April 28, 2009
By Seattle_Sleepless SILVER, River Ridge, Louisiana
Seattle_Sleepless SILVER, River Ridge, Louisiana
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t judge me until you know me; you might like me better.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;No boy is worth crying over, and the one that is won&#039;t make you cry&quot; -Mom (she got it somewhere-doesn&#039;t remember)

"She's gone, gone forever"
Was all I could say
When I saw the look on her face.

But how could i tell her
Of Mom's pretty face?
Twisted with hurt from the pain.

"What's the matter, Big Sis'?"
She asked as I wept
The bitter tears of sorrow.

And the look on her face
Changed from worry to pain
As she realized that mother was gone.

At the ER, it was dark.
It was dreary, like winter.
And sad, like there'd been nothing but rain.

But if you look deeper,
There's a truth to be had;
That there, they see nothing but pain.

The author's comments:
This is actually a really old, so it's a bit darker than some of my pieces now. I write dark poetry, though now they're soemwhat lighter, unless I'm having a rough time and need to let some feelings out.
Almost none of my poems are nonfiction, and that holds true for this one as well. This never happened to me or anyone I know, and I don't remeber why exactly I wrote this, but I'm posting some of my older stuff right now and found it.

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