The Dance Show | Teen Ink

The Dance Show

March 14, 2019
By Mdelcampo6393 SILVER, Wilmington, California
Mdelcampo6393 SILVER, Wilmington, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see only the people from the first and second row

I hear only the music I chose last month

I smell the flowers that are in the crowd for the dancers at the end

I taste the pizza and salad Ms. Lo got us

I know that in this moment, this little moment it’s just the music and me

I block out the faces I see

I block out the people screaming my name

I block out the smell of sweat from the dressing room

I block out the taste of fear in my body

I block out everything because in that moment it’s just the music and me

The author's comments:

This is a sensory poem about how it feel to be apart of my school annual dance show. I´m very passionate about dancing and this poem shows that. 

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