T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E | Teen Ink

T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E

March 1, 2019
By Flower_321 BRONZE, Aspen, Colorado
Flower_321 BRONZE, Aspen, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know why I’m writing this

There is no point.

People might read it, say it changes them in some way, but its a lie.

Because we live somewhere people will actually die to get to

However, there is no point in coming here if your skin is darker

You're still in danger of getting killed

Whether it be a non-disguised hate crime or one with camouflage on

You can drive 5 mph over the speed limit and get pulled over

You can try and get your license, or to comfort the people in the car

But one wrong move, and you’re dead.

Shot by the officer, who then claims that they thought you were getting a weapon

And they will never be put on trial.

In Aspen, yes here where most of us live, the majority of people don’t worry.

Their white privilege shines throughout the town so its hard for people of color to do the same.

We claim there are no problems in this little town of ours

And it is somewhat true

With so little diversity, not much can go wrong.

But for me, a Mexican girl with darker skin than almost everyone in my grade, I do get scared.

Seeing the news and then walking around town, seeing a police car and straightening my back so I don’t look suspicious.

Lowering my hood so the officer can see my smile.

Feeling like I have to speak so I can show I grew up here! You can’t deport me!

Feeling protected when I’m with my white friends because, in a crowd with privilege, I won’t be so noticeable.

The author's comments:

The reason I named this piece T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E is because of something Tupac said








I only discovered this because I watched the movie The Hate U Give and this quote really stuck to me.

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