One Cup | Teen Ink

One Cup

January 15, 2019
By Anonymous

What you drink each morning

Says a lot about who

people assume you are.

People who drink black coffee,

have been hardened

by life’s tribulations.

There is no pleasure found

In the drizzle of caramel syrup

Or the softly toasted foam of a latte


They relish the buzz of energy

they find surging through their veins

To feel their tongue curl around

That scorching thin drink


Others drink their coffee

Disguised in clouds of whip cream

And blended with ice.

It’s bitterness drowned

in puddles of mocha syrup.

Their tongue has not yet met

the bitterness

most of the world knows

like the back of their hand.

Some prefer to drink tea,

Favoring the slow relaxation

As the cup is brewing.

The leaves provide little flavor

But nothing too overbearing.

They delight in the aspect of choice,

With the wide range of flavors.

Hot chocolate is my cup of tea

So to speak.

I find comfort in the sweetness of the drink,

Enjoy enjoy reliving the past

As childhood memories

Fight their way to the surface

The moment the taste floods my mouth.

I assume these of people

Not based on personality

Or background


On that one warm cup

In their hand.

So what does that say about me?

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