The Cat Caught the Mouse | Teen Ink

The Cat Caught the Mouse

December 22, 2018
By shadesofsara SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
shadesofsara SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Home is only a few blocks away, I’ll be fine

She doesn’t notice me

I have my pepper spray in my purse, I’ll be prepared if anything happens

The street coming up is dark, she won’t see me sneak up behind her

When I get home, I’ll lock my door and stay in for the night. Remember what mom taught you

Remember what dad taught you

Kick, shove, and scream

Tight grip and a hand over her mouth

The apartment is so close now

I’m about to make my move

This is the fastest I’ve ever walked

It’s like a game of cat and mouse

Only a block left

Just a few more seconds

There’s a hand on my back followed by a shiver up my spine

The cat caught the mouse

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