Echoing | Teen Ink


April 22, 2009
By AsMaSc BRONZE, Rohnert Park, California
AsMaSc BRONZE, Rohnert Park, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Five years later,
There was a sight,
But also a disappointment,
Within hundreds of people.

Within these hundreds of people,
there is the jackal,
and two fellows of either delicacy or no delicacy.

Women are knitting,
And women are still knitting,
During the one night,
That happens in nine days.

There is a plea,
Aswell as many echoing footsteps,
The echoing footsteps have an opinion,
That in the secret,
The shadow is in the grindstone.

A knock at the door,
And the substance of the shadow is dispersed,
And all the echoing footsteps help bring the darkness.

Even if the knitting is done,
there is no triumph for the darkness,
To be preparation of the two promises,
The plea for an opinion,
Which in the darkness comes,
One night,
And all the echoing footsteps die out for ever.

The author's comments:
This was a Poem for English, last school year. Almost every Line I believe is a Chapter title in Charles Dicken's book "A Tale of Two Cities"

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