Christ’s Time to Shine | Teen Ink

Christ’s Time to Shine

December 10, 2018
By Morgangmiller15 BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
Morgangmiller15 BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What a wonderful time Christmas should be!

Too bad they think of Santa and not the reason for the season which is me

I see the children chuckle and laugh with joy

Too bad, it’s not because of me, an altar boy

I died for your sins and I do not pout

But what is forgetting me all about

To remember me is to have a reason

Your love for me should be like a fan of football excited for preseason

Most tend to forget, most tend to dissent

However loving Jesus will get you closer to me and Heaven and finally you will be content

This is indeed a magical time of year

But it would be better if you gave me your ear

I am Jesus, I am the Messiah

Keep me in mind or you will gain maya

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