Frozen Treat | Teen Ink

Frozen Treat

October 11, 2018
By 19sabrego BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
19sabrego BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the end of the day, I sit in my green chair,
Placing my misty colored laptop down next to me.
With its glaring blue screen I begin to stare,
Questioning what I want others to see.

Blinking my eyes, holding my breath,
I type on my black keyboard swiftly with ease.
Only I may bless my creations with death,
Or allow them to sit silently in the breeze.

Tap, tap, tap

To create a world filled with laughter and peace,
Only to change my mind and to turn disaster into my forte.
Rarely will my destructive flow cease,
Only upon realizing I treat them like my prey.

Tap, tap, tap

Turning from the screen I begin to ponder,
How shall I end my work of art?
Shifting in my comfy recliner I wonder,
Should I approach with a caring heart?


A cold cup of ice creams snaps me out of thought,
The delicious treat from my loving mother.
Warm emotions make me choose the ending I sought,
Maybe this time I won’t end on a note so bitter.

After finishing my sherbet treat,
I begin tapping away in my own zone.
Creating my perfect story that is sweet,
Making sure to end on a pleasant tone.

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