ME | Teen Ink


October 5, 2018
By SanrioBabie SILVER, Ellensburg, Washington
SanrioBabie SILVER, Ellensburg, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a garden, dig it?"

-Joe Dirt

I used to be happy, before this. I used to think I was beautiful and thin.

But then this happened.

Society happened.

In short, middle school happened.

You told me I was fat. Obese. Overweight.

You told me I was ugly. Not pretty. Unatractive.

The worst part is that I started believing you.

I lost my self esteem.

I lost my confidence.

I lost myself.

I used to be able to look in a mirror and be fine with the way I look. Now every time I look in a mirror, I am full of resentment.

I don't see a pretty girl that I am proud to be.

I see a fat, ugly, disgusting excuse for a female. I don’t see who I want to be. What I want to look like. I see what I am.

Or is it just what you made me?

You changed the way I look at myself. You obscured my vision. Everybody that matters tells me I am beautiful. But I choose to believe everybody that doesn't matter. I chose the opinions that don't matter. You shoved your commentary down my throat and shredded my self love.

You have made me a hypocrite. I urge people to love themselves, as I’m constantly putting myself down.

I scrutinize bullies for using terms such as ugly or fat as I stand in front of a mirror and write a list of things I hate about myself.

I have become just one in the millions of people who have acquired low self esteem. But it is time to stop hating the body that we were blessed with. The body that keeps us alive and does everything for us.It is time to start trying to heal from the war that wages inside of me.

It is time to regain my self worth.

I am not fat because I have fat.

I am not ugly because I don't look like you.

I am not a loser because i make smart decision.

I am not a loser because I value education.

I am beautiful.

I am special.

I am perfect the way I am.

I am me.

The author's comments:

THis is an original slam poem about my battle with low self esteem

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