How much does he want me to stay? | Teen Ink

How much does he want me to stay?

April 11, 2009
By softballNracin BRONZE, Covington, Virginia
softballNracin BRONZE, Covington, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In da begining he begged me to play
He said "we need you,
we need you to stay"
But I know that is untrue,
Because he doesnt let me play
infield but lets new people do
how much does he want me to stay?
He doesnt and thats true.

The author's comments:
I know this isnt much but this is how i feel about my travling softball team and sometimes it sucks. some people say I play a mean center field but I know how I am at second and he does too. He goes and lets this new girl play and doesnt let me play infield. Grrr Haha he begged me to stay and play on his team (I played last year) but now he doesnt show it and it drives me insaine!


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