Sky(scraper) | Teen Ink


May 22, 2011
By DeusExMachina SILVER, Reading, Pennsylvania
DeusExMachina SILVER, Reading, Pennsylvania
7 articles 6 photos 93 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe was exploding, each particle away from the next, hurtling us into dark and lonely space, eternally tearing us away from each other--child out of the womb, friend away from friend, moving from each other, each through his own pathway toward the goal-box of solitary death

Taken off the top of a tour bus in NYC

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This photo has 3 comments.

leafy said...
on Jul. 28 2011 at 5:30 pm
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

i really like the perspective of this photo, and the sky looked cool too. keep up the nice work!

on Jul. 23 2011 at 9:42 pm
DeusExMachina SILVER, Reading, Pennsylvania
7 articles 6 photos 93 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe was exploding, each particle away from the next, hurtling us into dark and lonely space, eternally tearing us away from each other--child out of the womb, friend away from friend, moving from each other, each through his own pathway toward the goal-box of solitary death

wow! thats crazy you say that because the original title was Old & New! Seriously haha

on Jul. 23 2011 at 5:31 pm
TheHangingGirl BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
1 article 1 photo 250 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Poets utter great and wise things that they themselves can not comprehend."

 Like it alot. Its cool cause the buildings are different; One old looking and the other one new looking. A glimpse from the past and future.