The past is nothing but a Blurr | Teen Ink

The past is nothing but a Blurr MAG

February 19, 2017
By Shattered_solong BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Shattered_solong BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Beauty Begins The Moment You Decide To Be Yourself&quot;<br /> &quot;Happiness Is Found When You Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People.&quot;

Sometimes we look at what's in the past and it may seem blurry but if we just focus on the future, what's right in front of us then things might clear up. That's what this image mainly represents. We just keep going forward to get the clear picture. But if we try to look back then things get unfocused and we can't also make clear of the past but we can on the future.

Tags: ObjectsTeens

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