Volleyball Voice | Teen Ink

Volleyball Voice

December 17, 2013
By ambercw14 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
ambercw14 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate being super busy. Hate it. But I still do volleyball, every year. Why why why?! All I do is complain. Whatever, it’s senior year, there’s no point in quitting now-so I tell myself. I think the only reason I play is because I love my teammates. I mean, I’m not any good but yet I always make the team. Playing coaches pet is definitely my thing. I get away with everything, it’s pretty bad. I’ve been pushing it real far this year. Surprised I haven’t gotten a ball to the face from Grimm yet. I’m sass overload. Grimm is crazy. Like, the craziest she’s ever been, must be the marriage. Thank god for the new coach, Coach Jackson. She loves me. I have such an informal relationship with all my coaches. It’s great.

Practice, not so great. *smacks butt in locker room*

“Hey there, sexy! Hahaha, who’s ready for practice?” Nobody. Maybe Lorren, she actually LIKES trying to improve her volleyball skills, like what? The locker room has such a distinct smell. It’s definitely not good, but I’ll miss it. Crap, it’s already 2:58; we’re never all ACTUALLY ready at three o’clock. It takes frickin’ five minutes just to put on shoes, socks, and knee pads. Alright whatever, I’ll put these on in the gym.
“Where’s Grimm?” not here yet of course.

“Ok, well I say we run 3 laps instead of 5, yes yes?” Warm up laps are my least favorite part of practice. Volleyball isn’t a running sport, therefore, I don’t run. Passing with a partner is my favorite part. Especially Bella, cause she’s actually good and I like her.

“Make sure you grab a good ball!” Let’s get this party started.

The author's comments:
Volleyball is a chore.

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