The Hunchback of Notredame | Teen Ink

The Hunchback of Notredame

May 16, 2018
By Anonymous

I went to see The Hunchback of Notre Dame at the Jefferson Performing Art Center on Saturday, February 24. I went with my grandparents and my mom. When I first walked into the theatre, I thought it was a little small. We got mezzanine seats, and it was still really close to the stage; other than that, I thought the theatre was really beautifully set up. This was the first “real” play I have ever seen live. This play really had a positive effect on me for several different reasons.

The costumes the main characters had were really elaborate and intricate. I felt like the fit the criteria for clothing for a 1480s time period. What I thought was really cool was the hunch for Quasimodo. The actor had to spend the whole two hours hunched over. I thought the costumes for the village people could have had more to them than just a black cloak. I feel like it lacked a bit of creativity. They could have used more color and maybe more 1480s style. I thought that Esmeralda's dress was really pretty. She was supposed to be some sort of performer for the people in the streets. Her dress really showed she was a dancer from how extra it was. It had a huge skirt, and it was bright red. I think it really emphasized her role in the play. 

I feel like the songs were really cool. My favorite song was “The Bells of Notre Dame” because every voice came together and harmonized. I thought it was really pretty how every voice conspired into one. I really loved the singers’ voices. Each actor/ actress had a different sound which made the song harmony even better. The voices really projected all throughout the theatre, and it really was easy to hear. I really liked how they were moving around while they sang. It was really cool how they could run across the stage while singing, and not be out of breath. The actors/ actresses were even running up stairs, and they could still hit really high notes.

The instruments were really loud and cool. I only saw the conductor's head in the pit, but I heard the instrument clearly. I also saw people singing above the stage behind the curtain. Their voices really projected all throughout the theatre. I could hear them clearly from where I was sitting. There were multiple instruments in the orchestra. I heard different instruments for different parts. When there was a dramatic part, it was mostly trumpets, but when there was a mysterious or sad part, I could hear violins. The instruments were very loud, and it made it easy to understand the plot because it gave you another visual other than the lines and movements.

The storyline was pretty easy to follow. It was only confusing at some parts. For example, the ending was pretty confusing. Did they die or not? They said they found two bodies two years later. The description was clear it was Esmeralda and Quasimodo, but when did they die? It is not like he stayed in the same spot for two years. They could have made that more clear. Other than that, there were not many other confusing parts.

I think the performers were very talented. Their roles emphasized the play. Most characters had really hard roles. For example, the actor who played Quasimodo had to stay in a hunched over position for the whole two hours of the play. While the priest, Claude Frollo, was in Quasimodo’s room, the performers, Quasimodo’s friends, had to be very still since they were statues. Every other character was really loud and clear with their lines. Their voices were really projecting all throughout the theatre. Their voices were really pretty, and they held the notes for a really long time.

I really liked this play. If I had the chance to watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame again, I would. It had a positive effect on me because it was really beautiful and moving. I was also pretty sad at how they died. They died in each other’s arms, and I thought that was really romantic. If anyone asks me what play they should see, I would say The Hunchback of Notre Dame because it is really pretty. I am very glad I went because I got to experience something I do not experience often. In the future, if I get the chance to watch something similar to that of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, I would. I was very happy I saw this play because it was a new experience for me.

The author's comments:

I needed to write a critque for my music ellective class, and I thought this would be great in an article.

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